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Feeling like Food

after Jim McCrary's "Dub and Neva" "Feel like toast tonight, or butter?" "I feel like steak." "I’ll just be a glass of water." "You like that, don't you? Part impervious transparency. And the other part unadulterated and liquid opacity. You like that, don't you?" "Beats feeling like over-cooked spaghetti drowned in watered down tomato sauce that didn't use any pork." "I thought you were Italian and weaned on 'spaghetti sauce.'" "That doesn't mean I have to use a spoon to roll the stuff. I'm not an amateur, you know." "No, of course not. Now tell me what you really feel like!" "What I really feel like? You've got to be high or something. What I really feel like is sex." "Having it or Being it?" "No, just the thing itself." "Actually, I never do that anymore." "You talking about getting high or having sex?" "The thing itself. Just the thing itself. Like you were saying." "You know, it was Bromige who named the book Behave. I was going to call it Rant 66." "Was that a pun, don't you think? Be and Have. Behave. Folks can either lust for 'having' or for 'being.' If they BEHAVE, then they can have their cake and be it, too." "Oh, I thought you meant Rant 66 and Route 66. You get your kicks, etc. And your life took that westward, and weywird, route to California." "Yeah, that too. But actually there never was a Rant 66. It all started with Rant 67." "And they weren't really rants, either. They were more like anti-rants." "Yeah, but I think that David also wanted for me to behave and not diss the Lang Pomers, or for that matter Anybody, too self-destructively. He's a very wise human." "Well, there's also a Behave title of his, so . . . " "Yeah, now THAT is the coolest thing! My Behave tied to his. I couldn't possibly be prouder of anything else." "Yeah, only a Ron Silliman would notice that kind of thing..." "It's too bad there were only about 25 printed." "That's fine for now. I feel like bread or cookies." "There aren't any in the house." "No, that's alright. I just feel like 'em." "Okay, sounds good."